Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Getting Married... AGAIN!

We are finally putting plans into action for our big wedding! I know, I know... I'm already married! But we love each other so much that we want to do it all over again! And since no one was there to see it, we gotta do it up right. And the wedding planner NOT having a real wedding? Unspeakable!

So, the date is set (9-29-12). We picked out the church and details are starting to come together. Today we officially booked the reception site. And I have the bridesmaids gifts ordered, and the cake topper ordered. (Can you tell I'm anxious? I have everything done already!)

Here are some sneak peak clues on the wedding plans:

The sand dollars are my favorite idea! They are special to me since Chris and I spent our time together in North Carolina combing beaches for shells and sand dollars. I never found a whole sand dollar and I was obsessed with finding them! I'm using them twice in the wedding plans. One will serve as an escort card AND the favor. Any idea on how I'm using the second one???